Dal chicco d’uva alla tua pelle: la storia di Vita Vitae e della sua Circular Beauty

From the grape to your skin: the story of Vita Vitae and its Circular Beauty

From the roots of a dream to the beginning of a journey

Imagine being able to quench, nourish, protect, rejuvenate and regenerate your skin with an extraordinary and natural antioxidant extracted from a grape and enhanced to best satisfy your beauty desires.

We are located in the countryside between Veneto and Friuli, near the Prosecco hills, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2019, where two siblings, Veronica and Carlo Alberto Maccan, choose to breathe new life into the surpluses of the production of the noble fine wines of the family business - Le Vinacce - to create a skincare line that takes care of the skin in a naturally sublime way.

A new way to create Beauty

Vita Vitae Beauty was born in 2020 during the lockdown, a period in which the Maccan brothers chose to create a Brand that is the perfect fusion between their passion, their fraternal bond and the equally unconditional love for their land. Grapes are a fruit that has extraordinary benefits in nature, and it is for this reason that Veronica and Carlo Alberto have chosen to bring it to the market as a beauty resource, creating a brand with an international scope.

Not only skincare, but sustainability, care for the environment, respect for the beauty of nature and for all beings of creation.

Natural ingredients and cutting-edge technologies come together in Vita Vitae Beauty to demonstrate how beauty can give rise to more beauty in motion.

How Aurovitina Pro Vitis is born, a secret and exclusive ingredient

We know: every day our skin is exposed to smog and stress that penetrate its barrier and extinguish its authentic beauty, compromise its youth and dull its light.
To counter all this, Vitae Vita Beauty, in an innovative and completely cruelty free, uses a complex of natural ingredients that gives life to the Aurovitina Pro Vitis (APV Complex). It is an elixir that the skin will no longer be able to do without, where concentrated grape must, resveratrol and grapeseed oil come together for an energy bomb that releases beauty and health.

All the substances are bio-functional, highly bio-active, able to protect the skin from free radicals and oxidative stress, for fighting aging and promoting the eternal beauty of your skin.

Circular Beauty for an endless spiral of beauty

Can nature and science work in synergy? Certainly, and Vita Vitae demonstrates this by being fully rooted in the philosophy of  Circular Beauty. It is a real holistic approach that cares for your skin as well as the planet.

The raw materials are sustainable, ethical, high-quality, sustainability in every single element, from the raw materials, which come directly from the family estates, to the packaging, which is highly sought after, and on which you can find the scan of the vine leaf. And that's not all: to keep faith with sustainability, you will not find the package insert, but a QR code from which you can download it. The gentle scrub, for example, promotes skin cell turnover through chopped grape seeds. The vine becomes the origin of everything, and from its bunches the precious essence is extracted that takes on new life in the brand's cosmetics line: this is true circular beauty.

From the grape to your skin

The philosophy of Vita Vitae Beauty is perfectly narrated by its heraldic logo, which portrays the Maccan Family coat of arms in a more modern key, giving life to each figure and bringing a symbolic meaning that tells the past, present and future of the brand.

The Lion represents pride and ambition, The Eagle symbolizes the guardian of the earth who protects it from above without ever losing sight of it, The Fire is the passion that animates every product, and Dogs are full of loyalty and respect for the environment and animals.

All this is contained in each product, which will surprise you with the extraordinary effectiveness for which your skin will be grateful.

Ideal for all skin types: sensitive, delicate, with rosacea or acne and up for pregnant women, Vita Vitae's products offer genderless skicare with unparalleled effectiveness.

The complete beauty routine consists of this line:

24H Face Cream: Moisturizing, anti-oxidant and anti-smog

Night Serum: Anti-aging and revitalizing

Day Serum: Anti-aging and anti-photoaging

Gentle Scrub: Promotes cell turnover

Tonic: Rebalancing and purifying

Gentle Cleanser: Moisturizing and purifying

Secret beauty tip: The gentle scrub becomes a portentous mask when applied with a thicker layer.

Visit their site here to find out in detail about each product according to your needs.

Alongside dermatology

Vita Vitae Beauty, especially in England - where Veronica and Carlo Alberto live - collaborates with dermatology clinics. And do you know why? Its products, being extremely delicate and suitable for all skin types, are able to feed and take care of it perfectly, especially in cases where it has suffered dermatological treatments. Indeed, they are adjuvants to it and are favored by dermatologists themselves for their excellent formulation.

A constantly evolving future

New horizons are opening up in the future of Vita Vitae Beauty, which will launch a revolutionary product, a surprise that will expand the boundaries of beauty already known. A  mesotherapy device which will take you to a new level of skincare, where other brands have not dared to go. Polynucleotides, Polypeptides and Exosomes will be the protagonists, excellent for biorevitalization.

Stay connected with Vita Vitae Beauty to discover this exclusive gem that will revolutionize your beauty: become part of the most innovative skincare community at the moment by clicking here.

Competition, uniqueness, exclusive patents, authentic value: this is the made in Italy of Vita Vitae that has already made Europe fall in love and is moving towards the global market.

The beauty market - as we know - is an ultra-competitive market, where brands are increasingly present with innovations and glamour. But Vita Vitae Beauty has a precious ace up his sleeve, which is this extraordinary communion between the winemaking tradition and the elevation in the scientific field of Beauty.

This is combined with the philosophy of Circular Beauty of which they are a clear mirror, and a unique ingredient, never been present in other cosmetic products: Aurovitin Pro Vitis, which consumers continue to choose for its proven effectiveness.

Quality, innovation and sustainability are the keys to beauty for Vita Vitae.

The presence both online and in physical stores and collaborations with luxury hotels and spas, not only in Italy but in various countries, gives visibility to a brand that everyone deserves to use to ignite their own beauty.

A targeted selection for a line consisting of six carefully crafted and tested products that are truly essential for healthy and naturally beautiful skin.

The Vita Vitae community knows it well: Veronica and Carlo Alberto's storytelling narrates the birth and evolution of their brand and their lives with the same authenticity that distinguishes each product. Social media is a portal of connection that fosters trust and resonance.

For Vita Vitae Beauty, starting the project during the pandemic involved significant challenges, including delays in R&D and logistical issues, but all were brilliantly overcome. This has proven to be the true strength of the brand, which remains true to itself despite expanding into different markets.

It is a brand with global aspirations, whose founders also reside in a strategic location in their private lives: London. A dynamic and multicultural city, it is ideal for a brand that knows it can make the world fall in love.

The market interest in products that are both sustainable and of high quality is rapidly growing, and the United Kingdom, along with other European countries, is leading the way in embracing innovations in the beauty sector and in recognizing and seeking the unique value that only 100% Made in Italy products possess.


Sitography and Bibliography:

  1. https://vitavitaebeauty.com/- official website of the Vita Vitae Beauty brand, which provides detailed information on the products, company philosophy and sustainability initiatives.
  2. https://www.instagram.com/vitavitaebeauty/- official Instagram profile of Vita Vitae Beauty, where product updates, promotions and exclusive content on the brand's philosophy are shared.
  3. Cai-Ning Zhao, Ren-You Gan, & Hua-Bin Li.Bioactive Compounds, Health Benefits and Food Applications of Grape. MDPI, 2022. Available on: MDPI
  4. Journal of Nutrition. "Grape Skin Extract: What is Grape Skin Extract?". Journal of Nutrition. Available on: Journal of Nutrition
  5. Cleveland Clinic. "10 Health Benefits of Grapes". Cleveland Clinic. Available on: Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Clinic
  6. Dr. Axe. "Grapes: Health Benefits, Nutrition, Recipes and Risks". Dr. Axe. Available on: Dr. Axe Dr. Axis
  7. Xtendlife Natural Products. "Red Grape Skin Extract". Xtendlife Natural Products. Disponibile su: Xtendlife​ Xtendlife Natural Products
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